How Brightly Shines the Morning Star: Music for Epiphany
Brian Fairbanks, flute Joyce Ramée, viola Thomas Joyce, J. Melvin Butler, Roger Sherman, organ
Saint Mark's Cathedral Choir (Seattle, WA)
J. Melvin Butler, director
The chorale “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” (“How brightly shines the Morning Star”) is presented on this CD in a wide variety of musical styles, along with other hymns, anthems and voluntaries for the season of Epiphany. J. Melvin Butler directs the cathedral choir in this program of familiar and unusual–works.
1 | Hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise—"Salzburg" (3:34) Thomas Joyce, organ 2 | Voluntary: Chorale Fantasy: “Wie schön leuchtet”—Dieterich Buxtehude (7:00) J. Melvin Butler, organ 3 | Anthem: Now there lightens upon us—Leo Sowerby (7:06) Thomas Joyce, organ; Joyce Ramée, viola 4 | Hymn: We Three Kings—"Three Kings of Orient" (4:24) J. Melvin Butler, organ Brian Fairbanks, flute Joshua Haberman, Fred McIlroy, Vernon Nicodemus, soloists 5 | Anthem: The Three Kings—Healey Willan (2:54) 6 | Hymn: As with gladness men of old—"Dix" (3:57) Thomas Joyce, organ
Brian Fairbanks, flute 7 | Anthem: Baptism of Christ—Peter Hallock (3:13) Tym Mackey, countertenor 8 | Hymn: Jesus went to Jordon's Stream—"Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam" (2:49) Thomas Joyce, organ 9 | Voluntary: Chorale Prelude: “O Heil’ge Geest daal op ons neer”—Jan Zwart (3:01) tune: "Wie schön leuchtet" Roger Sherman, organ 10 | Anthem: Tribus miraculis—Luca Marenzio (3:08) 11 | Hymn: Lord God, you now have set your servant free—"Song I" (1:03) 12 | Voluntary: Chorale Prelude: “Wie schön leuchtet”—Helmut Walcha (3:08) J. Melvin Butler, organ 13 | Hymn: Alleluia, song of gladness—"Tibi, Christe, splendor Patris" (2:35) Brian Fairbanks, flute 14 | Anthem: Behold a star from Jacob shining—Felix Mendelssohn (5:57) Thomas Joyce, organ 15 | Hymn: O Light of Light, Love given birth— "Elmhurst" (2:17) Thomas Joyce, organ 16 | Anthem: In splendenti nube—Peter Philips (3:01) 17 | Hymn: O wondrous type! O vision fair—"Wareham" (3:34) J. Melvin Butler, organ 18 | Voluntary: Chorale Prelude: “Wie schön leuchtet” —Ludwig Lenel (2:50) J. Melvin Butler, organ 19 | Hymn: How bright appears the Morning Star—"Wie schön leuchtet" (3:46) J. Melvin Butler
This exhilarating program uses the title chorale as a unifying element and combines favorite repertory with some fine lesser-known music. The opening is a striking introduction by Thomas Joyce to the hymn songs of Thankfulness and Praise, and the other eight hymns receive similarly imaginative treatments. Wie schön leuchtet (How brightly shines) is heard in the Mendelssohn chorus form the unfinished oratorio Christus and as the concluding festive hymn. It also appears in four organ settings: a Buxtehude choral fantasia, contrasting preludes by Helmut Walcha and Ludwig Lenel, and a charming setting by Jan Zwart, entitled in Dutch O Heil’ge Geest dall op ons neer (the words on sneer on the box and in the liner are a misspelling). In addition to our colleague Mel Butler, the organists are Thomas Joyce and Roger W. Sherman (who is also producer and editor); Brian Fairbanks appears as flutist and Joyce Ramée as violist.
The varied anthems include Leo Sowerby’s Now There Lightens upon Us, The Three Kings by Healey Willan, Peter Hallock’s exquisite Baptism of Christ, the Tribus Miraculis of Luca Marenzio and the In splendenti nube of Peter Philips. Of particular interest is the hymn setting of American composer Cary Ratcliff of the text O Light of Light, Love Given Birth, using Laurence Housman’s translation of a 10th-century Latin text.
The choir maintains the exemplary standard of tone, nuance, phrasing and diction that we know from our colleague Peter Hallock’s long tenure at St. Mark’s. The recording is most sympathetic, taking advantage of the superb acoustics of the cathedral. The liner includes notes, biographies, and some texts.
Even if all of your Epiphany music has been planned by the time you read this review, buy this disc now, enjoy hearing it this year and consider some of its useful ideas for next year.
—Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians
St. Mark’s Cathedral Choir of Seattle, Wash., reminds us that Epiphanytide is no ordinary time. Its recent recording is a smart collection of choral, hymn, and organ music appropriate for Jan. 6 and the days that follow. This is music, one might say, fit for a king or three. Mendelssohn’s “Behold a Star” from “Jacob Rising” is well paired with the standard hymns such as “We Three Kings,” though in this case with a particularly alluring and exotic introduction. St. Mark’s Cathedral Choir delivers an honest and accessible performance. Few churches are blessed to have a nearly 50-voice, non-professional choir. Choirmaster J. Melvin Butler and his crew allows all the rest of us to hear what the possibilities are.
—The Living Church
There is a rather long-standing "inside" joke among those of use who produce Sing For Joy regarding the fact that there is so little music celebrating the Baptism of Christ. One possible reason for this, we think, is that the feast often falls on the same Sunday as the celebration of Epiphany - and there is so much good music written for the season of Epiphany. This disc is a worthy sampling of some of that great music. And thankfully it also includes anthems celebrating the Baptism of Christ! Featuring many of the great hymns of the season, the choir of St. Mark's contributes solid performances of the repertoire with very clear diction and enthusiastic engagement. The real star of the show here, though, is the Cathedral's Iandmark Flentrop pipe organ. Numerous solo organ selections based on the tunes of the Epiphany season show off the organ's singular voice in the unique acoustical properties of the half-finished Cathedral. This disc is a welcome addition to our collection, and could be to yours as well.
—Sing for Joy radio program newsletter
Program Notes
The Season of Epiphany
The liturgical season of Epiphany extends from the Feast of Epiphany (January 6) until Ash Wednesday. The Feast of the Epiphany marks the twelfth and final day of Christmas and commemorates the visit of the Wise Men, or Magi, to the infant Jesus. The Magi are led by a star to Bethlehem and to an encounter with Jesus, an appropriate thematic introduction to a season characterized by light and the ongoing revelation of Christ to his followers.
The Gospel readings for the season of Epiphany recount stories of Jesus’ early ministry as an adult, beginning with the story of Jesus’ baptism on the First Sunday after the Epiphany. In all three accounts of the baptism of Christ, God’s voice is heard saying, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased.” Thus Jesus’ public ministry is set in motion.
The Gospel reading for the last Sunday after Epiphany always tells of the “Transfiguration of Christ,” another pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry, again invoking the themes of light and revelation. Jesus is seen by the apostles Peter, James, and John, in the presence of Elijah and Moses, and his face gleams “brighter than the sun.” Again, God’s voice is heard, saying, “This is my son, the Beloved, listen to him.” The Transfiguration fittingly culminates the Epiphany season as Jesus is more fully revealed to his disciples, takes his place of authority among the great prophets, and presages his journey towards Jerusalem, crucifixion, and resurrection.
H.U. von Balthasar defines an epiphany as “the radiance and splendor which breaks forth in expressive form from a veiled and yet mighty depth of being.” The encounters with Christ that come via the musical stories contained on this CD are in themselves such epiphanies, offering more opportunities for the ongoing revelation of Christ’s presence in our lives.
—Becky Morrill
The Music
Although there are hundreds of Christmas music recordings, there are very few dedicated to the vibrant corpus of music for the season of Epiphany. The program here includes a wide variety of Epiphany music—some ancient, some modern, some familiar, some unfamiliar. The choir sings favorite hymns (“Songs of thankfulness and praise,” “We three kings,” “As with gladness men of old,” and “O wondrous type! O vision fair”) as well as less-familiar hymns (“When Jesus went to Jordan’s stream,” an early German chorale with text by Martin Luther; “Lord God, you now have set your servant free,” a metrical setting of the Song of Simeon by the English Renaissance composer Orlando Gibbons; “Alleluia, song of gladness,” based on a Gregorian chant but sung in a modern setting by the American composer Richard Proulx; and “O Light of Light, Love given birth,” by American composer Cary Ratcliff).
The German chorale Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (“How brightly shines the morning star”) serves as a musical “theme” throughout the recording. This tune, attributed to the German composer Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608), has inspired composers throughout the ages and appears on this recording as the final section of Mendelssohn’s great anthem “Behold a star from Jacob shining” as well as in two settings found in the Episcopal Hymnal 1982.
The four organ solos are also based on this chorale. Dieterich Buxtehude, one of J. S. Bach’s mentors, contributes a delightful “chorale fantasy” exploiting the organ’s various colors and concluding with a lively jig. The chorale prelude by Dutch composer Jan Zwart treats the tune as a meditation, while German composer Helmut Walcha’s setting reveals a cheerful trio with the melody in the pedals. The final organ setting by American composer Ludwig Lenel (a godson of Albert Schweitzer) is a brilliant toccata, full of swirling keyboard passages surrounding the hymn tune, which also appears in the pedals here.
Other works on the program include seven motets and anthems—for which the texts are provided, below—spanning four centuries. Our selections from the twentieth century testify to the still-current appeal of the Epiphany theme. American composer Leo Sowerby proclaims the “holy daybreak” of Jesus’ “incarnation” in his splendid anthem “Now there lightens upon us,” for which we have substituted a viola for some of the solo organ passages. Sowerby was for many years organist of St. James Cathedral in Chicago, and also founded the College of Church Musicians at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Healey Willan, organist at the University of Toronto from 1932 to 1964, is often considered the “dean” of Canadian church musicians. The haunting anthem “The Three Kings” is one of his most beloved compositions. Performances of Peter Hallock’s anthem, “Baptism of Christ,” have become an annual tradition at Saint Mark’s Cathedral; for many years, Seattle’s own Dr. Hallock himself sang the countertenor solos in this anthem.
A sampling of works from centuries past round out our selection of anthems and motets. Sixteenth-century Italian composer Luca Marenzio is best known for his secular madrigals, though he also wrote many sacred compositions. His motet, Tribus miraculis, commemorates three events in Christ’s life: the journey of the magi, Christ’s baptism, and the wedding feast at Cana—events which are all celebrated within the first two weeks of January. (Indeed, in some traditions these three feasts are celebrated within one liturgy on the same day.) Felix Mendelssohn’s popular anthem “Behold a star,” a chorus from his unfinished oratorio Christus, incorporates soaring musical lines and grand climaxes, magnificently expressing the glory of the Epiphany season. Renaissance composer Peter Philips, although born and trained in England, spent most of his career in Belgium. His colorful motet, In splendenti nube, which describes the wonders of the Transfiguration, is set for six-part chorus. The serene and luminous sections representing the “shining cloud” contrast with the words of God, which are set in more complex, dance-like passages.
—J. Melvin Butler
