The Fritts organ at St. Joseph Cathedral took more than two years to construct, consists of about 5,000 pipes, and ranks as one of the largest mechanical-action organs in the United States.
GREAT Principal 16' Quintadeen 16' Octave 8' Spielflöte 8' Gedackt 8' Quinte 6' Octave 4' Spitzflöte 4' Quint 3' Octave 2' Querflöte 2' Terz 1 3/5' Cornet V Rauschpfeife III-IV MixtureVIII-IX Trompet 16'
Trompet 8' Trompet 4' Baarpfeife 8' Trompeta 4/16' * Trompeta 8' *
POSITIVE Principal 8' Gedackt 8' Salicional 8' Unda Maris 8' Quintadena 8' Octave 4' Rohrflöte 4' Sesquialtera II' Gemshorn 2' Nasat 1 1/3' Mixture IV-VI Dulcian 16' Trompet 8' Trichterregal 8'
SWELL Bourdon 16' Principal 8' Rohrflöte 8' Violdigamba 8' Voix celeste 8' Octave 4' Koppelflöte 4' Nasat 3' Octave 2' Blockflöte 2' Terz 1 3/5' Mixture V-VI' Fagott 16' Trompet 8' Hautbois 8' Vox humana 8'
PEDAL Subbass 32' Principal 16' Violone 16' Subbass 16' Octave 8' Gedackt 8' Octave 4' Nachthorn 2' Rauschpfeife III' Mixture X-XI Posaune 32' Posaune 16' Trompet 8' Trompet 4' Cornet 2'
* some pipes transmitted from other stops
COUPLERS: Swell to Great Positive to Great Swell to Positive Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Positive to Pedal
OTHER: Burnished tin front pipes Suspended key action Mechanical stop action Variable tremulants (2) Wind stabilizer Foot pumped option for winding
Temperament after Kellner